The youth  |  The elderly
We feel for the ageing
Age, infirmity, sickness, aggravated personal life, and loneliness is the real-world, undeniable situations which have grown in frightening proportions. This is one area where Rasila Bhupatrai Vasa Foundation decided to focus on. For the Foundation, this was the challenge that would not, could not wait.
The aim is to serve as a second family, to support the old and the ageing with specific services that can fulfil their diverse needs and help their well being. The intention is to extend a helping hand and provide a shoulder to lean on, for the old and deprived.
The Foundation's heart and commitment went out to these members of society, lending physical, social and emotional support, wherever possible. It was not just kindness that determined the foundation's task; it was the amount of love that could be put into its actions.