Late Srimati Diwaliben Himmatlal Vasa
Reaching out  |  Trustees
Late Srimati Diwaliben Himmatlal Vasa
We called her Baa. Her influence on our lives is so profound that everything we do, every thought we have and every word we speak is permeated by something that we have learnt from Baa. We, her children, grandchildren & great grandchildren, were very lucky to have known Baa. She is the inspiration behind RBV Foundation.
The Trustees
The Board of Trustees of Rasila & Bhupatrai Vasa Foundation is generally responsible for overseeing the Foundation's programmes and grant making strategy; budgets, expenditures and appropriation policies and guidelines; and investment strategies, allocations and performance.

Bhupatrai Vasa, Founder & Trustee

Dev Vasa, Managing Trustee

Vikas Vasa, Trustee